MIGHTY Submitter 2.5 released!
The program is now fully compatible with all modern Microsoft operating systems, including Windows Vista and Windows 7 Beta. Enjoy!
Make upcoming New Year 2008 even better with Mighty Submitter membership!
Our team wishes you all the best in the upcoming new year and gifts you our traditional discount: till the end of January 2008 you may purchase one year membership for $100 only! Hurry up! And may all your wishes and plans come true, Good Luck!
MIGHTY Submitter 2.25 released!
Here is a list of new features:
Category editing has become much easier: you can now move them up and down using the arrow buttons on the right of the list
New feature in a database: category number limitation. This optional setting specifies the maximum number of categories that can be selected for this particular site, so you can conform all the rules of some TGP and LL sites
Success detection: you can now specify the list of phrases not for error detection only, but for successful submission detection too. This feature is optional, so if you don't want to use it just keep this list empty
Many serious bugs in form filling were corrected, thanks for your vigilance and feedback
Attention! Changes in payment processing!
Due to a well known problems with Fethard Finance we temporarily do not accept payments via this system. Please use Credit Cards or WebMoney. We can also accept ePassporte, please contact our support for details.
MIGHTY Submitter 2.24.2 is out!
This release is mainly dedicated to multiple bug fixes:
Database export and import bug was fixed
Thumbnail unit: "Cut all proportional thumbs" bug was fixed
Plenty of serious bugs were fixed in form filling functions
You must now manually put a dot (.) into "Base file extension" profile field if you need it there. When you launch new MS version for the first time, program will attempt to correct these fields automatically, but you should better check it out afterall.
ATTENTION! As we have moved to a new server, versions of MS older than 2.24.2 will stop working as authorisation module was pointing to IP address, not domain name (this is also fixed now), so please upgrade to a new version AS SOON, AS POSSIBLE! Thanks and Good Luck!
MIGHTY Submitter 2.24 is out!
Big job is done to bring you this New Year gift, so have fun! Here is a list of new features:
Muli-stream manual submitter is available now: you can manually submit in unlimited number of streams, just as in automatic submitter! It will help you make manual submissions much faster, because when one slow form is submitting, you can submit to another site at that time!
There is a new parameter in the database: minimum and maximum number of allowed thumbs on a gallery or free site
New feature in thumbnail maker: after cutting one thumb, you can cut all thumbnails with same proportions from the current selection by pressing button ?Cut all proportional thumbs?. This can speed up thumnail cutting process in times!
Many bug fixes and small improvements were done.
Mighty Submitter team wishes you all the best in the upcoming New Year 2007! Let all your wishes come true! Good luck!
MIGHTY Submitter 2.23.1 released!
Dear users! We have found and fixed couple of serious bugs in MS 2.23, so we decided to release this update. Please update as soon as possible to avoid troubles in future. Thank you for your feedback and testing!
MIGHTY Submitter 2.23 is out!
We have done everything possible to make it even more full-featured and stable for you! Here is a list of new features:
Profiles can now contain unlimited number of categories!
It is possible to place up to 30 recips on each mirror
New mirror naming option is available: names generated mirrors using letters from site names, who's recips are present on that mirror
Multiprofile confirmer - you can check and confirm unlimited number of profiles by a couple of clicks now!
New possibility in submission scheduler settings: it allows you to use POP3 servers from project's source profile during scheduled confirm
Some other small, but useful fixes and improvements were done. Enjoy!
We hope that you love the new version even more than the previous one. Good luck!
MIGHTY Submitter 2.22 is finally released!
We are glad to introduce you a new version of our program! It took us pretty long time to fix all the bugs, but now it is done and after a long period of testing it is ready to go public. We also added some new and useful features, so here is a short list:
Now you can specify folder and file names for all thumbnail files at once. Macros are supported.
There is a multiprofile gallery generation feature in Generator section now. It allows you to create queues, arrange recips, generate and uplolad files for multiple profiles in a row. This can be very useful for people who submit many galleries.
Thumbnail Maker has been moved from separate window to the main menu and slightly updated: now it can filter thumbnail sizes to show only those which are required for current profile's queue. Zoom feature has been added too.
Create recip button was added to Database section, right beside HTML recip window. It allows you to create simple recip code if site owner doesn't provide a custom recip code of his own.
Comment window has been added to Database section, under the site list. It allows you to edit comments easily while reviewing site list. Comments instantly appear in appropriate column of the site list.
Now you can edit HTML tree tag contents in database. It allows you to teach Mighty Submitter to find passphrase images even if they have different file names each time (like *.jpg instead of constant image.cgi). So if image tag looks like this: <img src="/images/codes/1.jpg">, and the file name is different every time, just change the tag to something like this: <img src="/images/codes/"> - the program will understand it and find the image to recognize.
If passphrase contains of several images, now you can set them all as Passphrase images, and recognized text will be concatenated.
Post per day feature now works in three modes: 1) Off 2) Separate stats for each profile 3) Global stats for each profile
Project names now can be edited by pressing F2 in Project Manager.
Also please don't forget to update recognition masks, because we added several new codes there. Good luck!
MIGHTY Submitter 2.21 released!
Brand new version of Mighty Submitter is available now! After a long period of development and testing we are glad to announce, that our submitter has become even more stable and has some new good features. We also want you to know that now you can purchase unlimited one year membership for just $150! Here is a list of new features:
New parameter in database: Post per day. It allows you to set up your database to match site rules even more precisely. Now you can setup how many galleries per what number of days each site can accept for both simple and partner modes. It collects submission statistics separately for all your profiles and can be easily switched off if you wish. Just click on Tools -> Use post per day stats to toggle this setting.
Now you can easily add custom thumbnail dimension fields in profile and then use them in database or Thumbnail Maker, which was seriously improved.
New description field was added to profile - now we have 5 built-in description fields! Model name field was added too.
Gallery generator was slightly upgraded: Template file settings button was renamed to Generation settings, and now among other settings you can specify an optional list of custom site/gallery names there, which will be used when you generate site/gallery mirrors and arrange recips. This list is separate for all your profiles and is especially useful for Link List submitters.
Database import/export was improved - now you can export and import custom fields (including thumbnail dimension fields) and categories.
Database update tool was improved - now it has a checkbox that will allow you to automatically add thumbnail dimension fields that don't exist in your profile yet.
We also spent much time improving software stability and now we hope that even exploited site won't halt submission process. Enjoy!
MIGHTY Submitter 2.20.2 released!
We have released a second bug fix edition of our latest software version. It fixes couple of bugs that have been reported by our users, inluding serious bug with niche recips. Please upgrade to newest version as soon as possible.
Thanks and good luck!
Happy New Year!
Mighty Submitter Team wishes you luck and happiness in new 2005 year! We hope that this year was good for you, and that new year will bring only good to you and your business! Let all your wishes come true!
We have also released a new version of our program - 2.20.1, it fixes some pretty serious bugs found in version 2.20, so please update your copy as soon as possible. Good Luck!
MIGHTY Submitter 2.20 released!
New version has some significant improvements and bug fixes. Our program is much more stable now. Some new features were added:
Each category in profile can be assigned a custom usage now: it can be used to generate queue, fill forms or both. This is very useful when submitting to niche sites. See manual for more information.
Project Manager was improved - now it can create projects from all profiles and apply selected projects to their source profiles with a single button click!
Online database update function was improved: now you can see not "New" and "Existing" items only, but "Updated" sites too. You can also update your database from any local file, which can be a database exported by other user.
New tool is available now - Gallery Maker. It is very useful to create thumbnails and galleries simply providing it with template file and folder with content. So far it works with pictures only. See manual for more details. Tool is available at Tools -> Gallery Maker.
Some small improvements: you can enable/disable selected sites for all profiles by a single click using new context menu items in manual submitter and results archive; custom fields in profile now can be global: when you update your current profile, global custom field's value is updated in all profiles.
We have also updated User's manual, so now it contains information about latest program features!
Attention! Huge discounts!
Till the end of this year you can buy Mighty Submitter one year membership for just $99!
This price is available from now till December 31st, 2004. Hurry up, there will be no other chance to buy Mighty Submitter for as low as $8.25/month!
In order to purchase a one year membership, please put the required money amount on your balance and contact support team - we'll arrange the rest!
MIGHTY Submitter 2.19 released!
New version of our software is available now! As usually, we fixed some bugs to make Mighty Submitter even more stable and reliable. The following features were added:
E-Mail submissions are available now. You can define custom template and SMTP settings for each TGP and attach files. Full macro support makes mail submission functionality close to unlimited.
Submission scheduler was improved. Now you can disable history, clean-up cache before each project and shut down your PC after queue submission is complete.
You can add custom recip on each gallery mirror now using flexible profile field and <!--myrecip--> macro.
Now you can define keyboard shortcut for each custom macro.
Little enhancements: you can quickly copy partner account data from one profile to others, delete database entries during manual submission and history review, enable or disable database entry for all profiles by just one click.
Please do not forget to update database and recognition masks!
MIGHTY Submitter 2.18 released!
After a long beta-testing period we are ready to introduce you a brand new version of Mighty Submitter 2.18! We worked hard and fixed many bugs,
but new MS also has plenty of new features:
Full support for Link lists and MGPs!
Much improved passphrase recognition - masks now take much less space and recognize some new codes (including Comus Thumbs)
Rules added for select boxes, check boxes and radio buttons. You may now specify that some select box option must be selected if your custom rule is true (e.g. option must be selected if NumberOfMovies=10 and OneMovieSize=2)
Custom scripts - allow you to execute any custom script on web page right after the form is filled. We added a custom object to standard JavaScript - curProfile, which contains all current profile information. Read more here
You may now add write custom comments to any database entry
It is possible to drag field groups in Profiles to customize MS even more
We added error categories - they allow you to split all error phrases into a groups, which may have any custom titles (?Wrong description?, etc) and will be visible in Results Archive to make results researches faster.
You can specify custom gallery file names for any database entry.
Mighty Submitter fills secondary categories automatically now. Just set all secondary category select boxes to ?Category? or ?Custom? values in your database, and match their options to appropriate category values, and MS will do the rest for you filling them with necessary categories
You may specify niche recips for any database entry
Project export and import was added
Warning! Before you start using new version of Mighty Submitter, please read notes about upgrading to new version in member-zone news!
MIGHTY Submitter 2.16 updated!
We found some bugs and made little improvements in yesterday's release so here is an updated version 2.16:
Serious bug fixed in scheduled submissions: in MS 2.16 scheduled confirmer didn't start properly. This bug doesn't apply to older versions of MS and now it is fixed in 2.16 too.
Little bug fixed in FTP auto upload system.
You can now use proxy server to communicate with our server (log in, purchase posts, download database updates, etc). Proxy can be set by pressing ?Set proxy? button on login dialog.
Please update to new version as soon as possible. To update your copy of MIGHTY Submitter please download updates archive from our member zone and update MSubmitter.exe file on your system. Thank you.
MIGHTY Submitter 2.16 released!
New version is maintenance release for the previous one and has the following changes:
New design: we redesigned interface of our submitter to make it more pretty and attractive;
We have corrected many bugs which were reported by our users. Some bugs are little, some are critical. Anyway - big thanks to our users for bug reports! Now MIGHTY Submitter is really more stable than it was.
All users please update to new version as soon as possible to avoid unwanted bugs! You may find all necessary update instructions in member-zone news.
URGENT! Virus alert on TGP submit form!
All MIGHTY Submitter users beware: several trojans and adware viruses were found on boobzillas.com TGP submit form. Please remove it from your databases immediately! If you find viruses on other TGPs, please contact our support if possible. Thank you for understanding.
MIGHTY Submitter 2.15 released!
New version has very serious advantages over the previous version:
Scheduled submissions available now in MIGHTY Submitter. Please read details on manual page.
Lots of improvements and bug fixes: submitter works much more stable now, CPU load decreased on 50%, passphrase recognition system was enhanced.
All existing users please refer to member-zone news for update instructions.
MIGHTY Submitter 2.05 released!
Some features were added in new version:
Internet Explorer cookies are now stored separately for each profile and your system.
Please note that this feature is disabled by default, and must be enabled manually in program settings.
After you enable it you must restart submitter application.
Each time you start program with cookies feature enabled, your current system cookies must be copied to a safe place and then
restored when you exit application - this may take up to a minute depending on cookie count.
You may now specify click delay for each submit button or hyperlink separately in your database.
Click delay is a time in seconds which program waits before clicking a button or link. In previous versions this time was common for all TGPs.
Profiles and database are updated much faster now when you click ?Add TGP?, ?Update TGP?, ?Update profile? or ?Save as new profile? buttons.
Some bugs were fixed:
Now TGPs on Brownie script should submit fine in autosubmitter.
Bug with access violation message in Results archive was corrected.
Bug with creation of new profile was fixed, when program required extra post for that operation.
Some other minor bugs were fixed.
We have also released a new TGP database. It contains 900 quality TGPs, we deleted some dead records and added some new items. Feel free to use it!
We have launched an affiliate program!You can promote MIGHTY Submitter now and get 25% from all your referrals! Get all the details in ?Affiliate? section.
MIGHTY Submitter 2.04 released!
First of all - we have revisited and changed usage limitations for our software users. Now limitations are next:
For membership users: nothing has changed, you still can use your account from one PC only and can not have more than one account for one PC system.
For post buyers: you may use your account on any PC you want and even let other people use your account to submit galleries for you. But still you may have only one account for one PC system.
For post buyers there is submission history available now - to see when and what galleries had cost you one post. Some insignificant improvements have been done and one recognition pattern added.
MIGHTY Submitter 2.03 released!
Beta-testing is over and final version of MIGHTY Submitter is finally out! We worked hard for almost two months fixing bugs and implementing new features, and now our submitter is much more stable and full featured, and most of this work was done thanks to you! You may get all necessary information about upgrading to new version in member-zone, and you may also get main feature list here. What's new about final version?
Much improved stability - plenty of bugs fixed, functionality increased;
New built-in tool: Thumbnail maker - makes it easy to create thumbnail pictures for your galleries;
New built-in tool: Database validator - checks your local database and compares it with real submit forms, telling you the number of new fields on real forms, number of incorrect fields in your current database (which no longer exist on real form), and also telling you if submit form is still alive;
Passphrase recognition system improved - new masks are now available and their number will keep growing. Our recognition system is one of the most powerful for today. You can take a look at currently supported patterns here;
It is possible define custom file names for gallery files now;
All other features (fully customizable database, automatic and manual submitters, multiple profile system, automatic mail confirmer and many others) are still here, improved and corrected! Grab full feature list here!
Dear users! We are glad to inform you that long beta-testing period is coming to an end, and MIGHTY Submitter release will take place on monday, July 19th, 2004. We worked hard for last three weeks and even didn't release bug fixes, but now the job is almost done and MIGHTY Submitter has become much more stable and got some new features. Please visit our website on monday to download final version of our submitter.
Beta-tester registration deadline is June, 1st. Before that time all users initially have free $15.00 on their balance instead of $5.00.
MIGHTY Submitter 2.0 is officially open for beta-testing. Anyone may participate! All active testers will get one free month of MIGHTY Submitter membership after testing period is over!